Sunday, July 15, 2007

Dust and Update on Workflow

Well I'll start off by saying that I did indeed get Adobe Lightroom to handle all of my workflow needs. I ended up getting it for only $99 because of my eligibility for a student discount. It was a slight hassle having to fax in proof of my um... studenship, but well worth a discount of $100-200!

Anyway, I discovered today that dust doesnt seem to hurt my camera as much as I would have feared. I was taking pictures of two little boys visiting the farm and showing them some farm stuff, and while dumping some feed from the silo into a bucket forgot about my camera. Needless to say dust went everywhere. My camera was covered and the dust filled cracks on my precious 28-135 USM IS made my heart skip a beat. Thankfully a few blows and about 15 minutes of regular use and it was functioning and looking good as ever!